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Inside Look  
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Too busy to follow long lists of diet "rules"? Tired of tracking everything you eat? Confused on the best foods to eat for fat loss?

The only STRESS-free Healthy Eating Plan You Can Happily Maintain For Life To Get The Body You Want For Life!

For the midlife woman ready to lose the fat without overwhelming approaches like counting calories, logging every bite of food, or giving up treats!

ā†  Enroll Now! ā†ž

Enrollment CLOSES on Sunday, May 21st!

Right now, you’re frustrated and fed up.

You’ve busted your booty to lose weight! You’ve suffered through painful workouts, eaten ridiculously tiny portions, and even tried giving up your favorite foods…

Yet, somehow the weight won't budge, or worse, continues to creep up despite trying nearly EVERYTHING when it comes to getting the body, health, and life you want. 

Fat loss is just not happening.

Becky Fox

How can that even be possible after putting in so much hard work and effort into doing “all the right things”?

You find yourself thinking…

“Why does every diet feel like a TON of work!”

“How come I'm putting in so much effort, yet not seeing the results?”

“I can follow a diet with tremendous willpower, but without barely any change in the scale, it's hard to stick with it!”

Not only do you feel defeated and lost at how to turn things around, but you’re more confused than ever.

But I’m here to tell you… 

It’s not your fault and there’s nothing wrong with you!!!

See the real problem is…


Following plans that were never designed for the unique hormonal and metabolic systems of women over 40.

You see, there’s this myth that all you need is the perfect diet. You know, one with these kinds of rules:

“Don’t you dare eat carbs!”

“You’ve got to cut out sugar!”

“Tracking your calories is the only real way to lose weight!”

My favorite: “You’ve got to fast 18 hours!” (This is a pet peeve of mine as it’s incredibly harmful to women’s metabolisms after 40!”)

It’s no wonder women struggle to get restuls when they’re literally fighting their own bodies!

Because here's the thing...

If you’re a woman over 40, treating your hormones, metabolism, and body the same as a 20-year-old is about as effective as using a hammer to dig a hole in the ground.

Following a plan made for a college student may get you started, but it’s not going to get you where you want to go, especially when it's wrecking havoc on your metabolism and hormones along the way.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed and frankly, BURNED OUT, frustrated, and CONFUSED as hell about food well it’s no wonder why!

If it was as simple as just following a strict eating plan and doing a rigorous exercise routine, you’d be living your badass life a loooooong time ago. 


The problem is, no matter what weight you are right now…

To lose the weight and keep it off, you need a fun, simple, doable way that allows you to live your life and give your body systems what they need without crashing your hormones and metabolism!

The good news is there is an easier and simpler way to get the body you want without resorting to typical restrictive, depriving, and stress-inducing diets.

Nothing could be further from the truth! 

The internet puts a dizzying amount of information, or so-called “breakthrough diets,” at our fingertips. 

But that’s ALL most of it is—confusing overwhelming and many times outright damaging! 

And what women over 40 don’t realize is that many of these diets CAN work…

If you’re a healthy male in their 20’s who these protocols were actually tested on and designed for!

But for women in the 40’s and beyond these popular fad diets…

  • Creates hormonal imbalances that ramp up hunger and cravings, while lowering energy levels, making weight loss short-lived and more difficult over time
  • Slow down women’s metabolisms because their body isn’t getting the proper fuel and nutrition it needs to function optimally
  • Creates overwhelming amounts of stress for busy women that don’t have as many free hours in their day to devote to cooking separate meals for their family, counting calories, logging everything they eat, or following the many ridiculous rules these plans expect

Simplify Healthy Eating
Maximize Weight Loss
Keep The Fat Gone Forever!

ā†  Enroll Now! ā†ž

Turn Food Struggles Into Fiery Hot Coals That Burn Food Confusion And Fat Loss Frustration To A Crisp!

I've spent 18+ years, coaching thousands of women over 40 to develop, test, and finely hone The Forever Fat Loss Formula.

All these women had one thing in common:

They want to be in CONTROL and STAY CONSISTENT in a SIMPLER WAY - a way that doesn’t require unrealistic “rules”

Whether you simply want to learn how to:

  • Stay consistent with a simplified healthy eating plan that works for your busy schedule
  • Reset your hormones, boost your metabolism, or get your health back on track
  • Gain control of your cravings, late night eating, or overeating habits
  • Enjoy dinners out with friends or go on vacation without it derailing your results
  • Eat healthy without having to resort to logging and tracking everything you eat
  • Rid yourself of food worry and stress so you can start enjoying food again
  • Stay on track without relying on superhuman levels of motivation and willpower
  • Know the best foods to eat to lose the fat for good
  • Feel nourished and fueled, rather than drained and exhausted

Can pave the way for you!

Instead of feeling like you’re stuck in quicksand and struggling with “showing up” or guilt constantly poisoning your motivation because you “messed up again”...

You get to end the cycle of ”falling off track” for good! Without summoning monstrous amounts of willpower or self-discipline!

Furthermore, many women who’ve gone through The Forever Fat Loss Formula gained the flexibility, agility, and vitality to go hiking, horseback riding, play with the grandkids, and do all the fun things they enjoy!!!

Here’s How Everday Women Just Like You Are Creating

Lasting Results Inside Forever Fat Loss

Without Relying on Rigid Diet Rules, Restrictions, or Complicated Plans That Create Mental Stress and Overwhelm...

#1 They Ditch Diet Rules & Create Flexible Food Habits That Work For Their Lives!

There’s nothing simple about trying to fit yourself into a cookie-cutter, one size fits all diet approach. 

Success happens by creating a fat loss lifestyle that works FOR YOU, not against you!

So not only will I give you guidelines about what to eat, how to eat, and when to eat that take all the confusion out of healthy eating…

I’ll also work alongside you to help you adjust your eating plan so it works around your personal schedule, challenges, body and preferences so you know exactly what to do in a way that feels simple and doable. 

Because this isn’t about hard and fast, rigid rules that are impossible to follow.

Rather it’s about making the plan work for you and your unique situation whether you…

  • Are a picky eater or have food restrcitions.
  • Don’t love to cook or eat out regularly.
  • Have a crazy busy schedule working and running the kids around.
  • Have health challenges such as PCOS, high blood presure, or diabetes.
  • Work long hours.
  • Are going through peri- or menopause.

Since there are no rigid rules, our plan is flexible to work around all of life's needs! 

No more trying to fit your life into a rigid box. It’s time that box fit your life!

#2 They Kick Boring, Bland Food To The Curb & Are Bringing Back Joy and Satisfaction To Eating

You’re not going to find tasteless protein bars, packaged meals, or recommendations to eat plain chicken and broccoli here!

Food is meant to be enjoyed! 

And the truth is, any plan that’s overly restrictive will backfire, as deprivation will only lead to giving into those cravings or overeating when you get sick and tired of eating foods you don’t even like.

That’s why I’ll show you exactly how to bring the satisfaction back into healthy eating without fearing you’ll pack on the pound.

Love all those carby things like chocolate, pizza or tacos (like me!)?

Or maybe you’re more of a wine and bread girl.

Well good news, you don’t have to give those delicious foods up! Not here, not ever!

Nothing is off-limits and with our unique Satisfaction Strategy that shows you how to eat the things you love.

You’ll feel full and satisfied with each and every meal, making staying on track simplier and more enjoyable.

Together we’ll naturally build moderation into your daily food plan in a way that works for your goals and the sustainability of your plan.

#3 They Take The Driver’s Seat And Use Real-Life Strategies To Banish Self-Sabotage

It’s not enough to know “what to do” and trying to muster up more motivation, and willpower, or simply “trying harder” is a short-lived strategy.

Diet rules or only focusing on “what to do” is like giving a teenager the keys to the car without teaching them how to drive.

That’s why you’ll walk away with proven strategies that will help you overcome the excuses, conquer the limiting beliefs, squash the doubts, and kick the all-or-nothing mindset to the curb.

And this is truly the most valuable piece of having a coach by your side.

Self-sabotage is often like those blindspots you can’t see when driving your car. 

That’s why having someone that can point the blind spots out and help you navigate them is vital to staying on track in the long haul!

#4 They Surround Themselves With Others That Lift Them Up And Propel Them Forward

The people we surround ourselves with are either lifting us up or dragging us down. How do you feel after being around negative Nancy vs energizing Erin?

Seeing others just like us having success is inspiring. It lets us see what’s possible.

But even better…seeing that others have similar challenges and frustrations lets us know we’re not alone and that we’re in this together.

That’s why our program is built around community. 

You’ll surround yourself with other women just like you who understand the journey and who will be there to lift you up every step of the way.

Simplify Your Eating
Maximize Weight Loss
Keep The Fat Gone Forever!

ā†  Enroll Now! ā†ž

Enrollment CLOSES on Sunday, May 21st!

Is Unlike Any Other Program Out There

This isn’t just another program where a bunch of information will be thrown at you that you don’t know what to do with.

Nor will be left on your own, in a state of confusion,  trying to figure out how to make this program work for you.

Our team makes sure every question, challenge, or frustration you may have is personally answered on our weekly coaching calls or inside the community group. 

It’s not enough for women to “just have information”, and while, yes, you’ll get a step-by-step plan of exactly what to do... 

True transformation comes from understanding how to apply and adjust what you’re learning specifically for your unique situation.

And that’s why women that join Forever Fat Loss are so successful.

They don’t just learn what to do, they learn how to show up, overcome hurdles and take consistent action in a way that truly works for them.

Give yourself MORE than a fighting chance with The Forever Fat Loss Formula!

Let me ask you a question…

When was the last time you felt AT EASE in your body?

If you’re like most women, it’s been far tooooo long and you’re at you’re breaking point with continuing to see the weight creep up, watching your health decline, and feeling your energy levels plummet.

Losing weight is great but you want so much more than that, and you’re beyond ready for it!

It’s time to…

  • Wake up and walk into your closet and be able to wear all the cute outfits without wasting time having to do a test run to see what fits first.
  • Play with your kids or grandkids without worrying you won’t have the energy or stamina to keep up.
  • Feel comfortable hopping into cherished family photos instead of hiding in the back or on the sidelines.
  • Be the example to your kids, so they have someone to look up to and help them be their healthiest and best selves.
  • Get out and do all the fun activities on your bucket list you’ve been avoiding like going on that challenging hike, traveling more, or getting on an airplane without worrying if you’re going to fit in the seat
  • End the anxiety of declining health or poor quality of life as you get older
  • Be proud of yourself for following through on the promises and commitments you’ve made to yourself to get your weight, health and fitness in check.

Real Women! Real Results!

Will This Work For Me?

Look I get it. 

You’ve been burned before. 

You’ve tried all the things and they didn’t work.

Heck, you’ve maybe even tried working with a coach or trainer in the past without much to show for your hard work.

Maybe you’ve even lost trust in yourself to follow through and get the results.

So I realize you’re worried you’re going to fail or that you’re just going to waste money on another program that doesn’t work.

But here’s the thing…


Letting your past predict your future is only going to keep you stuck repeating the same cycles that got you to where you are now.


You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t truly want to make this transformation. And so now it’s time to take the next step and believe that you have what it takes!

Telling yourself you can’t do it or that you will fail again is only keeping you stuck.

Heck, I’m almost 41 and still haven’t been married.

Would you tell me to quit dating?

To quit trying to look for my one true love?

To just give up?

No way!!

Because you realize just because I’ve had a slew of short lived boyfriends over the years doesn’t mean I’m doomed forever.

And it’s no different when it comes to reaching your goals.

Not everything goes perfectly the first, second or what feels like the bazillionth time. But that’s not a reason to give up. 

And if we can look at each “failure” as an opportunity to learn and grow and do things differently then you have no where to go but on the success train.

And one thing I know is that by joining Forever Fat Loss Formula this time things will be different.

Because inside Forever Fat Loss you’ll have a step-by-step plan and the support and guidance (probably unlike you’ve ever had before) to ensure your success. 

You’ll be equipped with the right tools that will help you overcome any hurdles and get you on the fastest path to lasting results.


I believe in you and know you can do this. 


And I will do everything in my power to make sure you succeed, but the first step starts with you. By believing in yourself and committing to joining us inside the Forever Fat Loss Formula!

Simplify Your Eating
Maximize Your Weight Loss
Keep The Fat Gone Forever!

ā†  Enroll Now! ā†ž

Enrollment CLOSES on Sunday 20th of May 2023!

Isn’t just another “program” with a bunch of useless information that you don’t know how to make work for your situation.

It’s a lifestyle transformation and coaching program where you’ll learn how to customize what you’re learning in a REAL way that’s simple so you can show up, take action and finally be consistent. 

Inside you’ll discover how to…

  • Simplify eating without having to count calories, macros, or log everything you eat
  • Level off your healthy hormones by feeding your body the right combination of power foods
  • Learn when to eat to maximize fat loss, boost energy, and ward off cravings
  • Put meals together in a way that banishes hunger and cravings
  • Have dessert without worrying it will sabotage your results
  • Enjoy social events, birthday parties, and holidays without them derailing your progress
  • Conquer self-doubt, self-sabotage and negative self-talk that keeps you stuck
  • Stay on track without relying on “superhuman” levels of willpower
  • End the cycle of overeating, even when food tastes so good
  • And so much more!

I’ll be frank with you

The diet programs being sold to you, simply do NOT work long-term.

If they did, you’d be out there hiking trails, and doing swimming races with the kids, not frustrated sitting on the sidelines and hiding under baggy clothes. 

The problem is, those diets are simply not designed or good for women over 40 and unless you have some sort of secret superhero powers, staying consistent on these all-in type diets will never be sustainable.

And something that isn’t sustainable DEFINITELY isn’t going to aid you in your goal to lose weight and keep it off forever!

Here’s something you can bank on:

If those methods aren’t working for you now, there’s no miracle that’s going to make them work any better in the future. 


Stick with them, you’ll just keep the cycle of anxiety, despair, and hopelessness part of your life. 

I’d rather see you hiking trails, going to the beach, or putting on that cute outfit you’ve been waiting for far tooo long to wear.

And most importantly… your life in a healthy and happy way that YOU design it to be - without carrying around pounds of frustration or fat!

Right now you have two choices 


You can continue to do things the hard way and waste more time trying to “figure things out on your own”.



You can join us for 8 weeks to get the EXACT steps to simplify fat loss in a way thats designed to work with the unique hormonal and metabolic systems of women over 40 so you can get results that LAST for the long-haul.


Don’t Just Lose The Fat, Use The Proven Strategies Inside The Forever Fat Loss To Finally Keep It Off For Good Without Worrying It Will Come Rushing Back On

Simplify Healthy Eating
Maximize Your Weight Loss
Keep The Fat Gone Forever!

ā†  Enroll Now! ā†ž

Enrollment CLOSES on Sunday 20th of May 2023!

Here’s What Included Inside

Lifetime Access to 20+ Pre-Recorded Training Modules Covering Everything You Need To Create A Simple, Healthy Eating Lifestyle

Forget all the “dieting” rules and restrictions you’ve learned. Forget logging, tracking, and skipping dessert. 

We’re going to kick that time-consuming stuff to the curb, and show you a simpler, and yes, dare I say it, funner way to create healthy eating habits and reach your goals.

Inside, you'll discover the exact eating strategy you need for a healthy metabolism, lasting fat loss, and the unique needs of women over 40 so you can take the confusion out of what to do to finally see results.

You'll know exactly what to eat, when to eat, and how to eat to maximize your fat loss, but without the rigid structure and "rules" of typical diets. 

Rather, this plan is designed to have flexibility to fit around your unique schedule, food preferences, body, and life..while also working for real life! Yes, that means you can take this plan with you anywhere whether that's out to dinner or on vacation!

It's the REFRESHING, stress-free approach you’ve been waiting for!

8 Weeks of Live Zoom Coaching Calls 

Success comes from applying what you’re learning along the way, knowing how to overcome challenges on your journey, and personalizing the information to your unique situation so you’re able to create lasting habits that stick.

That’s why coaching is so powerful. Having someone that is there to push you and encourage you every step of the way is often a missing factor that keeps women from getting results.

That’s why we’ll have weekly calls so you can personally get your questions answered or walk through any challenges that are coming up on your journey.

8 Weeks Access Inside The Facebook Community Group

 Who we surround ourselves with matters! People are either lifting us up or dragging us down. That's why having a community of like-minded women who understand your journey is vital to success.

This is why we’ve created our private Facebook Community so you have 24/7 access to other women in the program.

You'll have a group of cheerleaders there to celebrate your progress and life you up when you need it most!

Additionally, the Facebook Group is the place to get questions and challenges answered in between calls.

Yes, every single question and struggle will be given personalized guidance and feedback so you’ll never be alone on your journey to “figure things out”.

8 Week Forever Fit Workout Plan

Not only are you going to get the exact eating blueprint to drop the pounds and stoke that metabolism, but I'm also going to throw in 8 weeks of strength training workouts!

Losing weight comes down to having a healthy, fired up metabolism and the best way to do that is by adding lean muscle that adds tone and definition.

But just like food, knowing the best exercises and way to structure your workouts can be confusing. And the last thing you want is to try workouts designed for 20 year olds that are going to bang up your body!

That's why I'm going to take the guesswork out of how to structure your workouts for best results with the 8 Week Forever Fit Workout Plan that's included as part of this program and struggle will be given personalized guidance and feedback so you’ll never be alone on your journey to “figure things out”.

I've got some more goodies!

Bonus #1 - Bonus 7-Day Live Success Week ($99 value)

Yes! I’m turning this 8 week program officially into 9 weeks. Here’s why… Instead of throwing you right into the fire on Day 1, which can feel completely overwhelming, we’ll take an extra week at the beginning of the program to set you up with everything you need to know to be successful.

Also, I want to give you extra time to start going through the training modules before the live coaching calls start, get familiar with the community group, and be ready to hit the ground running. Your success is important to me and I realize sometimes it can take a few days to get settled and ready to rock!

Bonus #2 - Stress & Emotional Eating Workshop ($99 value)

Eat when you’re Stressed? Bored? Frustrated? Angry? Overwhelmed? Can’t stop eating snacks even when you know you shouldn’t? Struggle to stop eating when you know you’re full? So often women KNOW what to do, but they just can’t find a way to stop themsevles.

If you find yourself eating when you aren’t hungry or when you’re full after a big meal, this training may be one of the most important ones you ever do.

Ok, So What’s The Investment?

Forever Fat Loss isn’t another diet where you’re going to be thrown a list of “rules” and left on your own to figure things out.

Nor are you going to be a number in the crowd hoping you can get help when you need it.

Rather this is a lasting transformation that will stick with you for the rest of your life so you never have to go on another diet or start over again.

It’s a small investment in yourself to transform your body, life, and health for the rest of your life so you can become a confident, strong women who are finally able to relax around food.

You deserve to have the body and health you want, but even more so, you deserve a life that’s full of joy, where you feel in control and free of food stress.

And this is exactly what I teach in my private $1000/month private coaching, but at a fraction of the cost to you inside the Forever Fat Loss Formula.

And when you weigh that against the cost of staying frustrated, continuing to watch the weight creep up, seeing your health decline and missing out on all the things you want to be doing and enjoying in life the choice is an easy one.

Choose Your Start!

Enrollment CLOSES on Sunday 20th of May 2023!

The Forever Fat Loss Formula


5 Monthly Payments

  • Lifetime access to 20+ Forever Fat Loss training modules inside the member’s portal. ($499 value)

  • 8 weeks interactive live group coaching sessions with Becky held multiple times each week! ($799 value)

  • 8 weeks private 24/7 coaching & accountability community to support you when you need it most! ($299 value)

  • Bonus: Forever Fit 8 Week Workout Plan ($149 value) 

  • Bonus: Live 7-Day Success Week prior to starting the program ($199 value)

  • Bonus: Stress & Emotional Eating Workshop ($99 value)


The Forever Fat Loss Formula


Pay In Full and Save $146!

  • Lifetime access to 20+ Forever Fat Loss training modules inside the member’s portal. ($499 value)

  • 8 weeks interactive live group coaching sessions with Becky held multiple times each week! ($799 value)

  • 8 weeks private 24/7 coaching & accountability community to support you when you need it most! ($299 value)

  • Bonus: Forever Fit 8 Week Workout Plan ($149 value)  

  • Bonus: Live 7-Day Success Week prior to starting the program ($199 value)

  • Bonus: Stress & Emotional Eating Workshop ($99 value)



1-1 Private VIP Coaching


One-Time Payment

  • Lifetime access to 20+ Forever Fat Loss training modules inside the member’s portal. ($499 value)

  • 8 weeks interactive live group coaching sessions with Becky held multiple times each week! ($799 value)

  • 8 weeks private 24/7 coaching & accountability community to support you when you need it most! ($299 value)

  • Bonus: Live 7-Day Success Week prior to starting the program ($199 value)

  • Bonus: Stress & Emotional Eating Workshop ($99 value)

  • Forever Fit 8 Week Workout Plan ($149 value) 

  • Weekly 1-1 PRIVATE coaching call with Becky! ($1400 value) 

  • Unlimited private messaging access directly with Becky for questions or challenges! ($500 value!)

ENROLL NOW (only 5 spots available!)

Weight loss is sold as a simple thing, just eat less and move more…BUT they don’t tell you about the metabolic impacts that all this restriction and stress has on women's bodies.

They DEFINITELY won’t tell you that undereating, overexercising, overfasting, or giving up carbs is clogging your delicate metabolic systems and keeping it from kicking on the fat burning switch.

They don’t tell you that the stress that comes from trying to account for every bite of food or resist all the good things there is to eat is only raising your cortisol and causing your body to store belly fat!

 If you feel anxiety, guilt, despair, and frustration with yourself. I want to let you off the hook right now. 

It’s NOT your fault!

You've simply been given the wrong strategies from a culture that preys on quick fixes and gimmicks. Ones that were never meant for your body, metabolism, and hormones as you hit 40 and beyond!

And it's time to kick the confusion, rules and restriction to the curb so you can finally ACE your fat loss and dance your way into all the fun life has to offer…With a body you love and habits you can maintain for life!

My Discovery

CONFESSION: When I was in my 20’s I tried all the diets. Low calories, low carb, low fat, protein shakes, and eating food that tastes like cardboard to name just a few

And while that stuff worked to get lean, it never lasted…

An argument with my boyfriend would send me into a Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream binge or the second my diet was “completed” I found myself eating whole bags of Oreos in two days because I felt so deprived.

And every time I got off track, not only would I gain the weight back but a few extra pounds would come along for the ride. Until eventually I weighed the most I ever had.

It was embarrassing. What I was doing wasn’t working, nor was it working for the clients I was coaching at the time either. I felt like a fraud.

And that’s when I knew something had to change!

I started working with a coach, reading a ton of books, and took courses to learn more about how to make healthy eating sustainable.

It took a few years to really piece things together, but when I finally clicked that’s when life changed dramatically for me.

It was like a heavy fog had been lifted!

I was enjoying food again nor I wasn’t obsessed with every bite that went in my mouth.

I quit logging and tracking.

And most importantly I felt GREAT!

No more hungry, cranky Becky enviously eye-ing what my friends were eating, because I could enjoy eating out again and was finally giving my body what it needed to feel energized!

What I learned during that journey, is what I’ve compiled into the Forever Fat Loss Formula. I’ve taken the time to figure out what works, test it on thousands of women over the years, drop what doesn’t work, and compiled it into what you need to know to get the quickest and best results that will stick with you for a lifetime!

Obviously I don't ever want someone to follow through on something they don't find valuable. But, with that said, I can guarantee that if you show up consistently with the Forever Fat Loss Formula, implement the lessons, connect with me in the group or on the coaching calls if you get stuck, and join in the community, YOU WILL experience massive results and an amazing transformation!

However, if you start the program and within the first 14 days feel it's not a good fit for you, we'll cancel your payments and refund your investment.  Please keep in mind you will be removed from the Forever Fat Loss membership portal and the community.

Simplify Healthy Eating
Maximize Weight Loss
Keep The Fat Gone Forever!

ā†  Enroll Now! ā†ž

Enrollment CLOSES on Sunday, May 21st!

You Might Be Saying To Yourself…


This All Sounds Great But I’ve Tried So Many Things in the Past. What If I Fail Again Or This Doesn’t Work For Me?

I get it. Taking this leap on yourself is scary and I don’t take it lightly. You’ve been burned before. You’ve tried all the things and they didn’t last.

And maybe you’ve even lost trust in yourself to follow through and get the results.

But here’s the thing…

Letting your past predict your future is only going to keep you stuck repeating the same cycles that got you to where you are now.

You wouldn’t be here reading these words if you didn’t truly want to make this transformation. And, while it may be scary, now is the time to take the next step and believe that you have what it takes!

Telling yourself you can’t do it or that you will fail again is only keeping you stuck going no where.

And you really only have two options:

#1 - Keep doing what isn’t working continuing to grow more and more frustrated


#2 - Take the leap to try something new and different with confidence and finally get the results you’ve been craving!

And the good news is that when you join Forever Fat Loss Formula you won’t be doing this alone. You’ll have guidance every step of the way, a plan unlike you’ve ever seen before, and a community of women to push you forward.

It’s impossible to fail when you have the right tools and that’s what you’ll get inside Forever Fat Loss!

I truly believe in you, that you can do this, and that it’s your time to shine. But the first step is believing in yourself. Climbing that mountain requires taking that first step! So let’s do it together!


I Really Want To Make This Change But Life Is So Busy And I Have A Lot Coming Up Especially Now That Summer Is Coming. Maybe I Should I Wait?

So let me ask you a question…

When is life NEVER not going to be busy?

Something is always going to come up whether it’s a trip, vacation, busy week at work, family emergency, or just the responsibilities of life.

And you can keep putting off getting started or you can start now and look back in 2 months being proud of how far you come!

And not only that, being successful in losing the weight and creating healthy habits means learning how to adapt when life gets crazy so these unavoidable life events don’t derail you every time.

So this is the BEST TIME in my opinion!

Creating a foundation means handling what life throws your way and that’s exactly what I’m going to show you how to do!

And because this isn’t an all-in, be perfect type diet plan, but rather a flexible way of living real life…It will 100% work for the time you have available or the food options you will have available on-the-go so these things don’t ever have to throw you off track again.


I’m Not Sure About Investing. Can’t I Just Try This On My Own?

You certainly could and I would love to see you reach your goals however that may happen for you.

But if we’re being honest…

How has doing things on your own worked out for you so far?

If you’re like many of the women I’ve talked to you’ve been struggling for 5, 10, 20, or even 50 years!!!

If just figuring it out on your own, trying harder, or putting more effort in were the answer then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Clearly what you’ve been trying isn’t working and continuing to weed through confusing information, push yourself harder and harder, or trying fad diets that don’t work is only wasting more of your time and energy…

Time you could be looking in the mirror proud of who you see and the changes you’ve made!

Energy doing things you love like playing with the grandkids or enjoying fun activities with your friends.

And I want to see that for you!!

Albert Einstien once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

And it’s no different here.

You can keep convincing yourself that you’ve got this on your own, keep repeating the same old patterns, and stay on the hamster wheel.


You can take the leap to try something different, get the strategies and support that will help you get unstuck, and onto a better life!

You can start moving toward your goals or continue to do the things that are taking you away from them.

It all comes down to the path you want to choose for yourself!

Have a Question?

Below Is A List Of The Most Common Questions!

If you don’t see your question or need additional guidance before making a decision to join this program just email us at [email protected] or shoot Becky a private message on Instagram @beckyfoxfitness or on Facebook Here.

So friend, it’s time to make a choice!!

I know you don’t want to stay stuck on the yo-yo wagon forever. You’ve been there, done that and you’re over it!!

It’s time to wake up and put on that cute outfit that’s been too tight to wear for too long.

It’s time to have the energy to connect and have fun with your family after work instead of plopping on the couch.

It’s time to stop avoiding social situations like the plague and instead show up as your confident, bad ass self!

And finally it’s time to say good-bye to following complicated diet rules like counting calories or giving up carbs.

I want to see these things for you and so much more! You deserve it and it’s time to get yourself and your body back.

Deep down you know you want this…so click that button below and grab your spot TODAY ;)

Can’t wait to see you there!

šŸ’• Becky Fox

Simplify Healthy Eating
Maximize Weight Loss
Keep The Fat Gone Forever!

ā†  Enroll Now! ā†ž

Enrollment CLOSES on Sunday, May 21st!